
CBD! The Next Big Thing

CBD or Cannabidiol is a much lesser known ingredient of the Cannabis Sativa plant; THC or the tetrahydrocannabinol is the plant’s much well-known active ingredient, which gives the ‘high’ feeling. With roots in Central Asia, Cannabis plants are believed to be first used for rituals or medicinally back in 750 B.C. However, there are some other estimates too.

Although Cannabis or hemp plants or the THC always stays in the spotlight but there are high chances that you have never heard much about Cannabidiol. No, it’s not only you, but most of the people also have never heard about Cannabidiol, and the worst part is people often get confused when weed is associated with CBD.   

THC and Cannabidiol are only two of the plant’s more than 100 cannabinoids. Where the THC is psychoactive and gives a feeling of high, on the other hand, CBD may or may not be psychoactive and is still a matter of debate.

So, What is CBD?

Cannabidiol is basically a cannabinoid, which is present in a hemp plant. Although there are many strains of the CBD plant, the Sativa strain is most commonly used to make CBD. Cannabidiol is mainly extracted from cannabis flowers and buds.

Cannabidiol is often advertised as a relief provider from issues related to anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression. CBD is also being marketed to promote sleep. Part of CBD’s popularity is due to its non-psychoactive nature, which eventually helps people to extract all the health benefits from the plant, without being high or stoned.        

Is CBD Legal?

The answer can be both, Yes and No, mostly depending on where you live. In some of the states, Marijuana is legal for both medicinal and recreational use, in some states it’s legal for medical usage and in some states it’s not legal at all. The FDA is still trying to get its arms around the issue. Do you know what the best part is? The agency has formed a group in order to create a guideline that could eventually help organizations to market these products, legally! For now, CBD products are being considered as supplements, which aren’t regulated by the FDA, and it is illegal to claim any health and therapeutic advantages of the products in their marketing.

Does CBD Work?

According to researchers, there are few pieces of evidence that Cannabidiol works for some specific conditions, but certainly, it may not work for all the conditions it is being promoted these days. For example, there’s no example of CBD curing cancer. Still, there is evidence that it can help to sleep better, reduce pain, anxiety, and muscle spasticity.

Last year the FDA approved Epidiolex, which is a purified Cannabidiol extract in order to treat rare seizure disorders in patients of 2 years or older after clinical trials on more than 500 patients showed, the drug when taken with other medications, helped to reduce seizures.

While there is a massive burden of hope on CBD extracts for treating other conditions, the Epidiolex is the only FDA approved drug that is Cannabidiol derived. Till date, most of the research on cannabidiol has been done on animals, and with each passing day, its popularity and hope are outpacing science.

Is CBD Safe?

As for the adults, it looks like a safe product. However, it still has some side-effects for a few people, which include nausea, irritability, and fatigue. It can also interact with certain medications, so double-checking with your doctor is absolutely necessary.

According to research, only a third of the 84 Cannabidiol products that were studied, mentioned the amount of CBD on their levels. What is also notable is that some of the Cannabidiol users failed drug tests, when the product contained more THC than indicated.     

So, as a supporter of Cannabidiol related products and after some research I can only say, CBD-oils are definitely is not a scam or something that should be completely written off, but when we are putting that into tampons or into mascara then it becomes a scam.

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