
Top 3 Document Management Trends of 2020

Since the last few years, organizations are trying to move away from paper documents and opting for digitized document control systems. The Covid-19 pandemic has helped to accelerate this trend even further. Document management has been a key element in business operations. However, the present method of document management differs greatly from that of 10 or 20 years ago. Nowadays DMS has taken the necessary lead and most of the organizations have started making the switch, and if you haven’t started it already you are lagging behind your competition.

With the growth of various Document Management Software, few trends have also emerged in the world of document control, which might change the world forever. So, let’s have a look at those trends;

Increase in Cloud Computing For Document Management

For quite some time, we are seeing the booming status of cloud computing. It has impacted the IT world severely and the Document Management industry is also not immune to all these changes. With a working internet connection and a basic PC setup, cloud computing enables its users to access a file or document at any location, computer, or any network. These cloud-based solutions help with scalability, agility, and obviously flexibility that was never seen before, which eventually results in reduced cost.

Online Security For Managing Your Documents

Thanks to the increased use of cloud storage, now organizations are witnessing increased document security. Due to the massive growth in digital Document Management, cyber crimes have become a much more imminent threat. According to various reports, the majority of organizations have experienced better security in the cloud rather than on-premise cloud environments. This is mainly because security is literally built into these systems. So, by implementing a Document Management system any organization can have a highly secured environment with scalable storage space to store the important documents.


Evolving Workplace Environment

The demand for document accessibility away from any kind of traditional workspace has seen a steep rise in the last few years. The demand for accessing any document from a smartphone or tablet has also resulted in a need for software that can be used from any handheld smart devices and which can be used in multiple platforms. As an example, Google Cloud Print lets its users select multi-functional printers in order to access documents from the end user’s home, that too without any specific IT deployment.

When Affordability Matters

The large-scale adoption of Document Management systems has created a much more competitive market, which often profits the customer. Once the Document Management software was so expensive that many of the organizations decided to avoid it. However, modern vendors have realized that, in order to have mass adoption, one needs to keep the cost low and competitive. Also, cloud computing and various advancements in the technology sector have eventually made it possible to buy Document Management software without breaking a bank.

In addition to the lower up-front cost, Document Management is saving a lot of money. This new tool has completely replaced the manual process, which eventually eliminated the use of paper, has streamlined operations and obviously has improved communications. Companies can finally move people from various clerical posts towards other posts that generate more revenue, also it helps to reduce extra hiring, minimizes time to store, and find documents. Overall, one can easily say, Document Management tools can increase the overall business efficiency.

So, these are the few trends that are going to drive the market of Document Management, these trends also give us the idea of what holds for DMS in the year 2020. Now businesses are slowly moving on from the outdated applications to integrated, safe, and user-friendly solutions. Thanks to Document Management tools, now organizations can save a lot of money by getting rid of manual document management systems.

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